This website is published by AIPX Pty Ltd ABN 38 169 567 426 (AIPX, we, us). AIPX and AIPX Funds Management Pty Ltd ABN 70 667 423 092 (AIPXfm, the Investment Manager) are part of the AIPX group (AIPX group), a specialist financial services group of companies operating in Australia.
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This website, and AIPXfm services and products are, available to wholesale clients, sophisticated investors and professional investors, as the Corporation Act defines these: by using this website you confirm that you are in one of these categories. If not, please refrain from using this website.
This website, along with all communications from AIPX group members, including those related to the Australian Fund (such as the Information Memorandum, Information Sheets and Fact Sheets) and the CAIS platform, provides general information only. These communications do not consider the investment objectives, financial situation, or specific needs of any individual. They are not intended to replace professional advice. You should assess whether the information is suitable for you, considering your objectives, financial situation, and needs. It is advisable to seek professional financial advice before making any investment decisions.
Investing involves taxation, and investing outside Australia may entail additional tax obligations. Seek professional financial advice tailored to your circumstances before making investment decisions.
Past performance, such as how an asset class or any Investment Option or its underlying fund performed, is not a reliable indicator of future results. Please consider this when reviewing historical information.
Any forward-looking statements in communications from the AIPX group or regarding the Australian Fund are based on reasonable assumptions at the time. However, the future is uncertain. Please keep this in mind when considering future projections.
To use AIPX group services and products, you must be at a minimum a wholesale client, sophisticated investor, or professional investor, as defined by the Corporations Act.
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If you have complaints regarding the Fund, refer to the Information Memorandum. If you have complaints regarding this website or communications from the AIPX group, contact us. In any dispute arising from this website, the laws in New South Wales apply, and you consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of New South Wales.
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AIPX group members are committed to protecting your personal information. A summary of our privacy policy is available on this website. The Trustee’s privacy policy is summarised in the Information Memorandum and available from its website.
CAIS will have requirements in addition to our own to be considered as part of their service.
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© AIPX Pty Ltd 2024